
The many fundraising activities that GFWC Gun Lake Area members participate in each year build the budget from which local communities are helped.  Over the history of this less-than-forty year old club (an infant by comparison to other Michigan clubs), our various activities have evolved to meet the changing needs of our communities and the skills and interests of club members. 

We often look for new and innovative ways to assist our local communities, to embrace member interests and concerns, and to support world-wide humanitarian efforts.  If you have ideas, we’d love to hear them!

One way to donate to the club year round is by making a purchase from Koeze Nuts, and using the code T0872480 when checking out. Koeze Nuts is a Grand Rapids based company that sells candies, peanut butters and mixed nuts. They also give a percentage of sales to the club, and their products make great gifts! 

The GFWC-Gun Lake Area club’s fundraising efforts cover the following:

1.   General Fund – The general fund provides us with the ability to pay for our meeting location, copying expenses, member care, club activities, and business supplies.  One important example is the printing of a membership manual which is provided to all members.

2.   Community Fund – This fund is maintained to provide aid to families in our area who find themselves in unmanageable circumstances for a variety of reasons, such as a home fire, excessive medical costs, or caring for an ill or homeless family member.  A recent example was providing cash to a single parent, who had a house fire, so that clothes could be purchased for the children to continue attending school. 

3.   Library Fund – The club has maintained a library on the west side of Gun Lake for many years.  It is located inside Inspire Hair and Nail Studio at 2491 S Patterson Rd Wayland, MI 49348.   Special fund-raising events help the club pay the rental fee.

4.  Scholarship Fund – Raising funds to assist area students in achieving their educational goals is the most important thing we do!  As our club covers four area school districts, this requires a great deal of planning and fund-raising work on our part to keep sufficient funds available.

Though there is always work to do to continue supporting all funded areas, we truly enjoy working together and love bringing smiles to students and citizens throughout the region.  Watch this site for information on planned  fundraising events, and if you have suggestions please email us at