
KEEPING US CONNECTED is the name of GFWC Gun Lake Area’s monthly newsletter.

Member Sandy Marcukaitis, has admirably created and edited the newsletter for several years, and she recently won a Newsletters State Award for our club!  The Gun Lake Area Executive Officers and C.S.P. Chairpersons submit information and a variety of articles to Sandy which she incorporates into the next newsletter. 

The goal of the club newsletter is to provide information in a timely manner to all club members to help them stay informed of club information and activities.

The newsletter is distributed to members via their e-mail addresses, and is also available at the Lending Library at Inspire Hair and Nail Studio at 2491 S Patterson Road Wayland, MI 49348. Please see below for the most current version of Keeping Us Connected. If you are on mobile, please click the “Download” button to view.